The Best Diapers for infants

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If you have an infant or a newborn baby, then Diapers are something that you are going to need a lot of over the next couple of years.

But have you ever looked at the choices out there? It can be overwhelming. There are two main choices when it comes to diapers. You have the choice of disposable diapers, but you also have the choice of  re-usable diapers , mainly cloth diapers.

Within these two main choices there are a lot of other choices.

That can really make you wonder if you are making the right decision. 

If you are looking for a quick and complete guide on the Best Diapers for your infant or newborn, you have come to the right place.

We will brief you on the various types of Baby diapers available on the market .

Don’t worry  as we’re going to help you choose what is right for you and your baby. Ready to soak up some diaper details?

Some Facts you should know

  • That in just one year you are going to spend at least 600 dollars and up to 1600 dollars on diapers and change your baby at least 2,500 times, or 7 to 8 times per day.
  • Purchasing cloth diapers may seem like the more expensive way to go but while the upfront cost may be more, in the long run it is going to save you quite a bit of cash. In fact, cloth diapers only cost about 1/3 of the price of disposables.
  • You don’t have to choose cloth over disposable or the other way around. Many people use both types. For example, some people use cloth diapers when they are home and disposables when they go out because there is less of a risk of a mess with disposables.
  • While buying in bulk or using a delivery service is a great idea, it is better if you try out a few different diaper brands beforehand. This is going to ensure that the diapers work well for your baby and that they are not allergic to them.

Whether you are purchasing disposable diapers or cloth diapers there is one rule that you need to follow. Buy just what you are going to use and no more. Your baby is going to change diaper sizes quickly and you don’t want to be stuck with a bunch of diapers that you cannot use.

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Let’s Start With The Basics – Types of Diapers

You are going to need a whole lot of diapers.

While you may change your preferences as your family grows, every baby that you have is going to need diapers.

Therefore, it is important to be prepared when it comes to making diaper purchases.

Disposable Diapers

Disposable diapers have been around since the 70’s.

Although they have evolved greatly (thank goodness) the idea remains the same.

They are more convenient and less messy than reusable diapers.

They are super absorbent and help to keep your baby dry. There are many different brands from Huggies,  PampersLuvs, all the way down to store brands. Each of them has a different price range.

There are also eco-friendly diapers that are disposable.

Today there is a wide variety available.

These diapers do not contain chlorine, latex, lotions, or fragrances.

There are also those that are biodegradable and some that are made from recycled materials.

Reusable Diapers

These diapers have also been around for a very long time.

They are nothing more than fabric rectangles that are made from different types of material depending on your preferences.

They are much like the diapers that were available to your great grandmothers.

Using reusable diapers can take a bit of practice but with a few accessories such as diaper pins and a waterproof diaper cover, you can make them work for you.

The prefolds and flats (types of reusable diapers) are going to be the diapers that cost the least.

If you purchase these, you are going to need to make sure that you also purchase some waterproof diaper covers as well as some diaper pins.

The prefold cloth diapers are reusable diapers that are smaller than the flats and often they are used inside of a pocket diaper.

pocket diaper is just a waterproof cover that has a cloth lining on the inside as well as a pocket which can hold an insert (or a folded cloth diaper), inserts can be washable or disposable.

Of course, there are also the all in one diapers.

When you purchase these diapers, they are going to cost a bit more and they can be harder to wash and dry than the prefolds and flats.

However, these are great for families or parents that do not know a lot about cloth diapering but don’t want to use disposable diapers.

There is also a hybrid diaper.

This diaper is much like the pocket diaper except that instead of putting the insert into a pocket you are going to place it right against the baby’s skin.

Many parents like this type of diaper because instead of having to change the entire diaper, they are able to change out the insert.

There is a separate soaker insert that many people find less convenient however, the hybrid diaper does make diaper duty much easier.

How Many Cloth Diapers do I buy?

This is a question that many people find themselves asking.

For each size of diaper, your baby is going to need about 36 cloth diapers.

This will allow you to wash diapers about once every two days.

If you want to wash less, you will need more diapers.

However, you don’t want to try and get fewer diapers because life happens.

Don’t count on being able to wash diapers every day. It is important if you are just starting out with cloth diapers that you don’t over purchase.

You may find that using cloth diapers is not right for you and you will just be out that money.

Instead, start with what you NEED.

If you find that the cloth diapers are going to work for you, then you can purchase more as time goes on.

If you choose to go the cloth diaper route, you are going to need to purchase diaper covers as well. Luckily you are only going to need around six of these. The covers don’t have to be washed every time the diaper is changed. They only need washed when they are soiled or every three diaper changes.

Disposable Diapers – Things to consider before buying

There are a few things that you want to take into consideration when you are purchasing diapers.

The first is how absorbent the diaper is. The job of the diaper is to keep the baby’s skin dry. If the baby’s skin is not dry, they will suffer from painful rashes and chafing. Disposable diapers are usually more absorbent than cloth diapers.

However, they still need to be changed often in order to protect the baby’s skin.

You want to look at the diaper and determine if it is going to be comfortable for your baby.

Having elastic around the legs of the diaper will help to ensure leaks do not happen but it is also going to help ensure that your baby is more comfortable.

Next you want to think about how easy it is going to be for you to fasten the diaper.

Whether cloth or disposable the amount of time that it is going to take you to fasten the diaper is going to matter.

You want to also make sure that the fasteners are going to stay fastened.

Many disposable diapers now have Velcro like fasteners which allows you to refasten the diaper if you find that it is not soiled when you thought it was.

What About Your Budget

Your budget matters when you are considering what type of diaper you are going to purchase.

Let’s face it, diapers cost a lot of money.

While cloth diapers are going to save you money, you must decide if you are able to pay the upfront costs.

You also have to determine if you are going to be able to purchase the additional liners, waterproof covers, and fasteners that you will need.

Can you store these diapers to be used on other siblings down the road?

Are you going to be able to keep purchasing cloth diapers as your baby changes in size?

What Is Going To work for your baby

Sometimes using cloth diapers just is not an option.

You must think about what is going to work for you and your family.

Do you need to be able to take your baby to daycare?

Cloth diapers are not going to be very convenient in that environment.

Are you willing to carry around dirty diapers until you get home?

Do you want to have a bin of dirty diapers in your home waiting to be washed every three days?

How often can you realistically do the laundry?

These are the types of questions that you have to ask.

You may also want to think about how you are going to get disposable diapers.

Is a delivery service going to work for you? Would you save more money if you signed up for a subscription and had them delivered on a regular basis?

Finally, you need to make sure that you have a back up plan.

What if your baby simply can’t wear disposable diapers?

What if you want to use cloth diapers but find that they are more of a hassle than you thought they would be.

Always be ready for whatever could happen by having a diaper back up plan.However

Frequently Asked Questions about Diapers

Can One month old babies use diapers?

Yes you can use diapers on a baby who is just 1 day old. You can get special pampers for newborn babies.

However just remember to keep the diaper on for 2 to 3 hours at a time otherwise the baby may develop rashes and infections.

Are Pampers or Huggies better?

Both these well known diapers offer around 12 hours of protection.

They both have a nice elastic waistband and also offer protection from leaks.

However Pampers are rated higher by most parents because they have better absorbency and they fit better.

Thus your baby is more comfortable

Should you wipe your baby after every diaper change?

Suprisingly, the answer is NO.

You do not need to use Wipes after every diaper change.

This is because firstly pee does not generally irritate the baby’s skin.

Secondly the diapers are generally very absorbent so there is not much pee which comes in contact with the skin.

For how many hours should a baby wear a diaper?

Ideally you should make your baby wear diapers for 2 to 3 hours.

Keeping it on for longer periods can lead to rashes and other skin problems.

In case the baby passes stools, then the diaper must be changed right away.

Is it OK for a baby to wear diapers 24 hours?

It is not advisable to make your baby wear diapers for 24 hours. 

If you are using disposable diapers, then the chemicals from the diapers are in constant contact with your baby’s skin and mucous membrames which will ultimately cause harm to your baby.

Even if you use cloth diapers, constant contact will cause rash and fungus to develop on your baby’s bottom, thighs etc.

You need to keep the baby diaper free for a couple of hours atleast so that all these can be avoided.

How do I keep my baby diaper free?

You can keep your baby diaper free after a diaper change, before or after a bath, during tummy time or playtime, just before bed.

However make sure to use a washable sheet or mat below the baby during the diaper free time, to avoid messes.

Carrie Walters
Carrie Walters is a young mother of Nina and Tom, who along with her husband Jake is passionate about helping moms and families find modern solutions to common parenting and lifestyle questions. Together with a team of real moms and medical experts, this young couple share sound advice and proven tips to help make your life easier. They manage this blog along with other blogs and Youtube channels on similar topics